Digital Ads + Email Campaigns

Ads that get clicks

Jeni’s Brand Campaign Ads

Jeni’s Makes it Better campaign launched in 2018 (and is still going strong). It’s a two-pronged campaign with ads that emphasize either the deliciousness of our ice cream or cultural moments (including awkward social situations) that are made better by the best ice cream on the planet. Ads are a mix of display, social, and banner — and each one consistently earns higher than average ROIs.

Emails that get opened

State Fair Campaign

The summer 2020 Jeni’s collection featured the flavors we’d serve at a state fair. The copy, design, and photography worked together to create a lively campaign with step-right-up energy. Our emails consistently perform higher than the industry average.

Brand Campaign

Evergreen emails that are designed to share the company story and promote signature flavors and collections.

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